About Us
Phillips & Locke offer a personal service throughout London, Hertfordshire and the home counties. We advise a variety of clients, ranging from individual home owners, through solicitors, commercial clients, managing agents, education establishment, hospitals and other surveying practices. Our goal is to deliver an efficient, cost effective service providing high quality advice and professional support for building related issues. We aim to report using plain English and where possible avoid the use of technical terms. We specialize solely in party wall matters.
Malcolm Darer is a practicing Party Wall Surveyor specialising only in Party Wall Matters. He is a member of the Party Wall Academy Ltd.
What is a
Party Wall Surveyor?
The Party Wall etc Act 1996 relates to works carried out on or close to a property boundary. A property owner undertaking work covered by the act is required to serve Notice of the works to the Adjoining Owner. The appointed Party Wall Surveyor normally prepares the relevant Notice(s).
One of the main tasks that the Party Wall Surveyor performs is the preparation of a Schedule of Condition of the adjoining property. It’s important that an accurate schedule is prepared in order that any damages can be properly attributed and made good. This document is prepared by the Surveyor or Surveyors and will normally include a number of photographs.
The surveyor also prepares a Party Wall Award which is a legal document detailing the scope of the work and how it will be paid for. Normally the Building Owner will pay all the costs associated with drawing up the Party Wall Award provided the works are solely for his benefit.